This website is for the sole use of school teachers, administrators, and librarians.
All others should contact our Customer Service Department at or (201) 559-2226 for information on how to order from us.
We are located at 10 New Maple Ave, Suite 303, Pine Brook, NJ 07058
The following policy applies to LECTORUM.COM.
Lectorum is committed to protecting the privacy and security of its online visitors. This policy statement provides our visitors (e.g., parents, teachers, librarians, and children) with an overview of the measures we have taken to provide a safe online environment.
This Privacy Policy applies to our online practices only, except the Opt-Out procedure below also applies to our offline collection of personal information.
We consider the following, among other things, to be personally identifiable information: first and last name, e-mail address, street address and phone number.
We (and/or our agents or affiliates) may collect online and use personally identifiable information from our adult visitors: (1) to process and fulfill orders for products or services (such as our magazines); (2) in connection with contests, sweepstakes, games, surveys, forums, subscription registrations, content submissions, classroom activities, our requests for suggestions and visitors' requests for information; and (3) to customize the content on our site for our visitors' current and future needs. In addition, this personally identifiable information may be used to provide our visitors, via e-mail or other means, information about materials and activities that may be of interest to them, including products or services of third parties. For these reasons, we may share such information with third parties. If you are an individual who has provided us with your personal information online or offline and you do not want us to share your information with third parties, or if there is a media notification that you no longer wish to receive from us, please let us know by sending us your name, address, e-mail and phone number at: Opt-Out Request, Lectorum Publications, Inc. 10 New Maple Ave, Suite 303, Pine Brook, NJ 07058. If you are writing to request that you no longer receive a particular media notification from us, please include the name of the media notification. In addition, in every e-mail that we send, we provide a link that you can click on to enable you to opt out of receiving future e-mails from the sender.
There are many activities on the Lectorum site that children can participate in and enjoy without having to share personally identifiable information.
For those activities that require personally identifiable information, such as contests and sweepstakes, in compliance with the Federal Trade Commission's Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, Lectorum will not condition a child's participation in an activity on that child disclosing more personally identifiable information than is reasonably necessary to administer the activity. For certain online activities, we may require verifiable parental consent before collecting or using personally identifiable information from children under the age of 13. With these activities, Lectorum will notify the respective parent of our privacy policy and obtain verifiable parental consent before collecting personally identifiable information from the child, unless we collect only the child's name and online contact information to: (1) obtain parental consent or provide parents with notice; (2) respond directly on a one-time basis to a child's specific request; (3) respond more than once to a child's specific request along with providing parental notice of such use; (4) protect the safety of a child; or (5) comply with legal requirements. When we provide parents with notice and/or seek consent, we also give parents the ability to let us know if they do not want any further use made of the personally identifiable information we have collected from their child. Parents can request to review or have deleted their child's personally identifiable information from Lectorum's records, and refuse to permit further use of a child's personally identifiable information by writing to us at: Lectorum Publications, Inc. 10 New Maple Ave, Suite 303, Pine Brook, NJ 07058, Re: Parent's Request for Information. Parents can also print, complete and return this letter to the specified address.
Unless we indicate otherwise and obtain prior parental consent, personally identifiable information collected from children under the age of 13 will be used solely by Lectorum or Lectorum's contractors or agents for internal purposes (such as sweepstakes administration and services related to the operation of our site) and will not be sold or otherwise transferred to third parties.
It is Lectorum's policy never to post on its site more than a child's first name, first initial of last name, state, and age or grade.
There are many activities on the Lectorum site that are for teachers, which enable teachers to add another dimension to their classroom and students' activities. In order to create such online classroom activities, we will collect personally identifiable information from teachers and have teachers provide a password to their students so that students can publish materials online and do other activities online in connection with their class through the use of such password. We will only enable such passwords with the verifiable consent provided by teachers acting on behalf of parents.
A teacher may revoke the consent she has provided on behalf of her students' parents, or inquire about personally identifiable information that has been collected from a student by writing to us at: Lectorum Publications, Inc. 10 New Maple Ave, Suite 303, Pine Brook, NJ 07058, Re: Teacher's Request for Information. Teachers can also print, complete and return this letter to the specified address.
When teachers register with our site, we use their sign-in information, which contains personally identifiable information, to ensure that only the teacher who has signed in has access to his or her personal areas of the site. For example, only registered teachers are permitted to administer Class Homepages. Access to administer a teacher's Class Homepage is controlled via that teacher's personal username and password, which was established during the registration process.
Remember to be smart online. Do not give out your full name, e-mail address, home address, telephone number or any other personal information that would enable someone to contact you either online or offline, without first asking your parent or guardian for permission. Sometimes on our Lectorum site we will ask you for your first name and e-mail address along with your parents' e-mail address. We do this so that we can contact your parents to let them know that you have communicated with us, and that we have collected this information from you.
We collect non-personally identifiable information through the use of a software technology called "cookies," and through our visitors' voluntary submissions to us and/or upon our request. By non-personally identifiable information, we are referring to information about our visitors' browsers (e.g., Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer), operating systems (e.g., Windows or Macintosh), Internet service providers (e.g., AOL or NET.COM) and other similar information which we track in aggregate form. We also collect the following non-personally identifiable information in connection with content submissions, games, classrooms, and bulletin boards: first name only and first initial of last name, state, age, and grade. The non-personally identifiable information that we track is anonymous and will never be identified with or lead us back to any of our visitors.
Cookie technology helps us to know how many people visit us and where visitors go on our site. Cookies are small bits of information we send to your computer. Among other things, this non-personally identifiable information allows us to know which areas are favorites, which areas need a bit of improvement, or what technologies and Internet services are being used by our visitors so that we may continually improve our visitors' online experiences.
We collect IP addresses to obtain aggregate information on the use of An IP address is a number assigned to your computer by a Web server when you're on the Web. When you are on our site, we have a back-end server that logs your computer's IP address. We only use the information we find out from tracking IP addresses in the aggregate, such as how many users entered a specific area of our site, and not to track a specific IP address to identify an individual user. However, we may use such information to identify a user if we feel that there are or may be safety and/or security issues or to comply with legal requirements.
We use third-party companies to serve ads when you visit our Web site and to monitor traffic to our Web site. These companies may (via cookies, gifs or otherwise) use aggregate information (not including your name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, or any other personally identifiable information) about your visits to this and other Web sites in order to provide us with data about our site and/or to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. If you would like more information about this practice and to know your choices about not having this information used by these companies, click here.
Lectorum ensures that all personally and non-personally identifiable information that it receives via the Internet is secure against unauthorized access. This information is kept in a safe and secure system isolated from direct connection to the Internet. This means that no eyes but ours or those of contractors and agents performing services for us will ever see the information that our visitors send to us, unless we indicate otherwise. We will give out personal information as required by law, for example to comply with a court order or subpoena or to assist in criminal investigations. We may also give out personal information when we deem it advisable in order to protect the safety and security of our sites and visitors to our sites.
Why are we so safe?
Lectorum uses secure server software over a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) line to protect your credit card information. It encrypts all of your personal and credit card information so that this information cannot be read as it travels to our ordering system, and once it is received, it is stored in a location not accessible via the Internet.
More Guarantee Details
Under the Fair Credit Billing Act, your bank cannot hold you liable for more than $50 of unauthorized charges. If your bank does hold you liable for any of this $50, Lectorum will cover the entire liability for you, up to the full $50. Note that, in the event of unauthorized use of your credit card, you must notify your credit card provider in accordance with its reporting rules and procedures.
Visitors will find links from to independently owned, controlled and/or managed World Wide Web or Internet sites whose content we have found of possible interest to our visitors. In many cases, but not always, the links represent cooperative projects or mutual links established with the organizations connected with these sites. While we initially visit these sites to which we directly link, please note that we do not monitor or control the content that appears on these sites and such content may be constantly changing. We recommend that children check with their parents or teachers before clicking off to any new sites, and we encourage all end users of to read the privacy policies of all linked sites before navigating through them.
Please note that we may revise our above policy without notice to users as the content on our sites continues to change and we will post all such material changes on this Privacy Policy.
We hope that you enjoy exploring our sites. is owned and operated by Lectorum Publications, Inc. 10 New Maple Ave, Suite 303, Pine Brook, NJ 07058. We can be reached by phone at 201.559.2226 and by e-mail at If you have any questions about our privacy policy or practices, or you wish to amend, update, or verify the information on file, or to notify us that you want your information deleted from our files, please contact us at this address.
The effective date of this Privacy Policy is January 2010.
Most recently updated January 1, 2023